For Box Set, I was asked to setup a small remote control temporary television studio in Verge Gallery in Sydney. A unified playback, recording and switching system was made, including a dual broadcasting system, streaming live to the internet and simultaneously broadcasting on analogue television. The system also had a automated remote control mixing and switching of all sources and lighting, as well as a host playback system for a live show presented daily from the gallery in addition to the non stop broadcast. As well as this I added the ability to switch and merge in and out of the live stream generated off site at Performance space, as well as sending our stream back to the venue for presentation.
‘Box Set’ was an 8-day endurance performance presented within a gallery turned live television studio. For 8 days Blackmore and Barrett sat on a couch and watched every episode of one of the world’s longest running television series, ‘The Simpsons’, while fasting. Box Set was anchored by artist Nick Keys who provided an endurance commentary across the entire performance. Audiences could participate in this project 24 hours a day by either being part of the live audience or watching it on analogue television (frequency 681.25 in the UHF band) or on the Tele Visions website.
For more information visit:
Kate Blackmore
Frances Barrret