Reverse Colonialism


Reverse Colonialism is a political performance in which four African Antwerpers try to tackle the difficult migration-integration dilemma. Their answer? A new country for African-Europeans and European-Africans, in which they determine the norms themselves. The search for this utopian state takes place through an animated debate, in which the audience determines the outcome via the signboards.

The explosive energy of the ‘Star Boys’ is unique and uncensored. They enter the scene to give an unheard voice to their astute perceptions on our society.

‘In Reverse Colonialism! confronteert maker Ahilan Ratnamohan ons op een zeldzaam rattige manier met onze houding tegenover Afrika en Afrikaanse migranten. Een houding die door ons koloniale verleden én heden belast is en waarvan we ons helaas zelden bewust zijn.’ ★★★★ Theaterkrant

For this unique show I created a real time voting system using colour tracking. The audience are each given a small coloured sign they can use to vote on questions posed by our protagonists. Using a camera from above the grid and some image recognition via openCV I can count the votes for each side. The system performs very well, and just like real democracies everywhere this system has its flaws and biases, its just like voting in a real election!!

As well as influencing the evolving discussion, the voting has an impact on the further multimedia aspects of the show.

Reverse Colonialism was conceived and directed by Ahil Ratnamohan and is presented by members of the Stay Boy Collective and myself.

More information can be found here: