Gaugemancy is a collaboration with choreographer Ali Moini, an investigation into group choreogrpahy and sound creation. The work asks; What can a body do? And how can it compose with chains around it? In his early pieces Ali Moini was keen on knives or cables. Today the notions of force and pressure are found at the heart of
Gaugemancy is a choreography that explores a wide array of variations, from the practice of witches to that of the wrestler, of making pastry or felt etc. Material in transformation:
“Pressure can make changes, we estimate its extent with or without our will and we might be miraculously right!”
– Ali Moini
Gaguemmnacy is an investigation into the physicality of the everyday asking: How
can non-choreographic movements be presented in a choreographic context and
further, how can this non-choreography be sublimated and sonified to highlight these kinds
of bodily subjugation, in a performance?
The development of Gaguemancy required significant research involving the capture and
subsequent analysis and visualisation of non-choreographic movement in situ. Followed by
real time movement analysis and quantitative visualisation for performers in training. The
research for the performance resulted in the development of a set of electro-acoustic
instruments that required a significant amount of software and hardware engineering. These
instruments were then used to create a composition that was embedded in a choreography
that sonified the actions of the performers, without limiting their movement vocabulary. The
choreography/composition was developed in a collaborative context and used to answer the
above question.
Gaguemancy was presented at a number of venues including La Passerelle Saint Brieuc, Le
Manège Reims, Charleroi danse Brussels and the Pompidou Centre Paris. More information can be found here: