Live control of manual settings for PS3eye cameras
A portable-ish motion capture solution for the PIPS:lab potator project.
A customised video control console made for a PIPS:lab coproduction in Khartoum Sudan.
Smooth lines and curves are hard to draw with computers, and despite some availabe solutions like ofxShivaGV I needed an easy flexible way to edit and draw curved lines. I decided to extend some existing work and originally forked acarreras/ofxBezierEditor.[…..]
An openframeworks addon for controlling Twinkly led lights from XLed. This simple addons lets you control multiple strings of XLed lights via wifi. You can discover new lights on the network and control existing lights from your openframeworks code. Source[…..]
I needed to perform network file transfers from within an Openframeworks application so I made these two useful addons that wrap the functions of SCP and RSync commands. Basic but helpful. Source code can be found here for ofxSCP and[…..]
OSC->MIDI->OSC is a simple bi-directional software converter between Midi and OSC. incoming OSC is converted to Midi and Incoming Midi to OSC. This application was made as a helper for people using software that does not suport OSC natively but[…..]
I needed to get a way to use the amazon dash buttons in OF. I read this Instructable and used the same method in OF (detecting the ARP request when the button turns on and connects to the network). This[…..]
This is a functional object I have used in performances, it is made from found objects – faders from a discarded stereo, wire found on the street, a book from the garbage bin and an arduino controller from a non[…..]